Respect Marquette
Respect Marquette County

Respect Marquette County is a coalition that is comprised of partners from across the county; including the state, community and economic development, trails organizations, and many more. This coalition, made in partnership with Leave No Trace, reflects Travel Marquette’s strategic plan: to build strong community partnerships that can work to address impacts and issues relating to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. We aim to inspire locals and visitors alike to respect the local culture and natural resources of Marquette County.

Camp Responsibly

Planning a trip this summer and not sure what the rules are for where you intend to camp? Here is a brief guide referencing the Michigan DNR website, to know where you can camp and what you need to enjoy your time there. Booking a campsite before your trip ensures that you’ll have a place to stay…

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Doggy Guide

“Even good dogs must be on a leash” You’ve likely seen these signs at various trailheads around Marquette County. Keeping your furry companions leashed on trails is necessary for multiple reasons. First and foremost it is for the safety of your pet and the wildlife around you. Allowing your pet to…

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Invasive Species

The introduction of invasive species has affected all aspects of life in the Great Lakes Region and throughout the globe. According to the Leave No Trace organization, the annual estimated cost in the United States of invasive species control is around $120 billion per year, and approximately 42% of…

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